One seed heritage oaks full gospel church

What a morning!

On Thursday, I had to go to Grant Hospital in Columbus and be there by 6:30. I was scheduled to get a spinal stimulator implanted in my spine. We decided, since the weather was bad and we weren’t sure how the roads would be, that we would just spend the night in Columbus. Otherwise, we would need to leave before 4 in the morning to make sure we made it on time.

So, we arrived to the hotel about 3:30 Wednesday evening. The first thing that happened was water ran in the toilet all night long, making it challenging to sleep. Then, the heater fan made the loudest noise — we ended up turning the heat completely off so we could get some sleep!

We set 3 alarms to make sure that we got up in time: 5:00, 5:05 and 5:20am. So guess what? We slept through all 3 alarms and woke up at 5:30! We jumped out of bed, got ready, and thankfully made it to the hospital by 6:20. Fortunately, the hospital was only 5 minutes away.

So, we checked in and they took me up to the pre-op area to get me ready first before Pam could join me. As the nurses and doctors came in to talk with us, they acted very courteous. It made it very relaxing to be around.

Seeds that we plant

“1 Let brotherly love continue. 2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” — Hebrews 13:1-2

I’ve always believed that doctors and nurses are there for our benefit, so I always try to behave the best I can towards them. After Pam came up, we prayed. Then, she gave me a kiss. Next, they wheeled me back to the operating room. There were about 12 doctors, nurses and technicians in the room to take care of me.

As as I laid on the operating tables, getting IV’s and getting ready to be put to sleep, I looked around and it struck me everyone that was there was being so good to me. We were joking and laughing. So, I asked if I could say one thing to them. They took the oxygen mask off of me and I said, “You know, I have been in several operating rooms in the past few years. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated all you are doing for me.”

It struck me that this group of people had one thing on there mind: my welfare. And I wanted to let them know how grateful I was!

We read in Hebrews about entertaining angels unaware. And it hit me like a blast that was I planting a seed to them. Or, were they planting a seed in me? Perhaps, we were both planting a seed.

Eventually, I’ll see the doctor again as well as the representative from the company that made the stimulator. But the majority of these people I will probably never see again. Honestly, I hoped that there was a at least one seed planted that day.


When I got to the recovery room, I talked to the nurse. We got on the subject of church and music. As you know, this website just went live to the public recently. She talked about her son who was having such a hard time with the software he was using to try to record music. So, I asked her if she would like the address of our new website so that he could check out the music we created in house. After all, it is all free to download.

So, I gave her the website URL and the name of the program we used to record the music. She stepped out for a bit when someone else came in to ask me some questions. When she came back in, said she had already visited our website! To me, that was confirmation enough that the impression we leave on others is very important.

Do you leave an impression on others?

And if so, is it an impression that others would welcome you again? Or, do you leave an impression that they are relieved when you go?

“12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” — Matthew 7:12

So the way you would like to be treated, we should treated those around us better.

May God Bless you and keep you!


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