Heritage oaks full gospel church sin creeping in

I remember some of the old houses we used to live in growing up. They were not air tight. When a cold wind blew, you could feel the air creeping in around the windows. When winter came, Dad would go buy plastic and nail it over the windows to try to keep the house warmer. But, no matter how much he tried he never seemed to be able to seal it completely.

That was back in the 60s and early 70s. We couldn’t afford storm windows so we tried to keep the cold air out as best we could. Today, there are many different kinds of windows that seal plus doors that helps to insulate your home. One of my childhood homes was an old, two-story house in the country. We had a wood cook stove in the kitchen and a old wood burner in the front room. It was our jobs to keep the wood pile behind each stove stocked. When night came, we put a big chunk of coal on the fire to keep it burning over night. But, no matter how we tried some of the rooms would always be cold.

Sin Creeping In

It’s easy to compare this air seeping in our house to sin in our lives. If we don’t work on our relationship with Jesus, things can easily creep back into your life. Sometimes, you might not even realize it before it’s too late. As time goes on, you may start to ease off your Bible study or prayer life. You may even let someone else influence your walk.

It easy to see how these things can creep in. From job demands to our kids’ sporting events, it can become a challenge to still set aside time for God.

Sometimes, the pastor gets it wrong too. I tell my congregation to bring their Bibles to each service. If they find I am teaching something wrong, question me on it. Don’t let my mistake come between them and their walk with God.

Our own salvation

“12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” — Philippians 2:12-13

Even though we are not in church all the time, we can keep the cold (sin) from creeping into our lives: we simply must maintain a prayer life, Bible study time, and moments to meditate on how great and wonderful God is.

When you get saved, you become a new creature. However, there are things you need to watch out for. Let me give you an example. I was 31 years old and working in a steel foundry. I went to work like I did everyday previously, but this day I was different. See, that Sunday morning I asked Jesus in my heart and turned my life over to the Lord.

Workers at the foundry used rough language. I was in the break-room and someone asked what I did over the weekend. And I told them I got saved. Well, that started the smirking and them making fun of me. They even told me I wouldn’t last.

That was about 29 years ago and I’m still standing. Yes, those first years was rough. I got laid off and then the factory closed down. I was out of a job and on unemployment. But though the grace of God I made it. And still I’m still standing through the grace of God, keeping the cold air (sin) out of my life.

Your life

I’m sure there will be trials in your life. You may face financial, health, or obstacles from family and friends. How do you stand with all this coming against you?

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” — 2nd Timothy 2:15

If you are a new Christian, begin in the New Testament. My Father-in-Law called it the 3 Ds: discern the word of God, dissect the word of God, and digest the word of God. This advice has helped me for so many years.

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:” — 2nd Corinthians 9:8

God’s grace is yours all — you have to do is accept it. Let His light shine from you to others so that they can feel the warmth that God has given you.

May God Bless you and keep you warm through the days ahead.

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