A french toast kind of day

I’ve notice that, when the weather gets bad, a lot of people run to the store. It’s a little amusing to me, because they almost always buy the same 3 things: bread, milk, and eggs. When we had all of that severe weather last week, I had to wonder: was french toast really going to sustain them?

I realize they are also buying other things, but this just hit me funny. Growing up as the middle of 9 bothers and sisters we never ran to the store when things got bad. And as far as the french toast part, we grew chickens so theres the eggs. We kept a big sack of flour and a 5 gallon can of lard, so theres the bread. And we got milk from the neighbors who had cows.

So when storms hit, we already had everything we needed to get through!


So, back then we were fully prepared for any storms that might come our way. Today, the weather man predicts something heading our direction and the dash to get ready begins! For me, we were not big on french toast. Instead, we had soup a lot, such as chili, bean, beef or vegetable soup. Thats just what we wanted in stormy weather.

Our childhood experiences stay with us through adulthood. And that is the thing about getting prepared: we need something that will stick with us, something that can warm us on the inside and stay with us.

“32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.” — John 6:32-33

There is a storm coming, and with this one, we won’t be able to go to the store to buy the things we need. There is a time coming that will take more than french toast to sustain us. Instead, it’s going to take the true Bread of Life, and his name is Jesus.

Jesus in the storm

The wonderful part about this is that Jesus is just a prayer away. He tells us that our Heavenly Father is the one who gave us this bread — all we have to do is reach for it!

“34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. 35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” — John 6:34-35

This is the wonderful part about our Lord: He knew what we needed even before we asked him!


When our grandchildren stay with us, their breakfast is usually french toast, pancakes, fried eggs and bacon. They always ask for it, so that’s what Grandpa gets up to make for them every time. But as much as I love our grandson and granddaughter, how much more do you think your Heavenly Father loves you?

The weatherman tells us when the weather is about to change. We take head to what he says. Yet, the Word of God has been telling us times are going get bad. Nevertheless, we go about our lives as if nothing will happen. We need to stockpile the Word of God in our hearts and this is what will get us through the storms that comes our way.

We look to our Father to sustain us! We will never hunger or thirst again and, to me, that sounds better than any french toast could ever be.

May God bless you and keep you this year and may you have a true hunger and thirst for the Word of God. God Bless!

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