A friend who sticks closer to you than a brother

I am the middle of 9 children: 4 boys and 5 sisters. So growing up, we always had someone around to play with. As kids when you saw one of us there was usually another brother or sister close by. Since then, we have lost 2 brothers and 1 sister. Both our parents are gone. So our small group is getting smaller. We are all getting older and some of us aren’t in as good as health as we used to be which is part of life.

Recently, my oldest sister Julia asked us to take her for a procedure at the hospital and her service dog came along. Buddy has been with her ten years or so and I believe where ever she goes he is right there by her side. We were walking into the hospital and Buddy had to be right beside her. When we would stop he would get to where he could look right after her.

Needless to say when she went back for the procedure Buddy started to go with her but he had to stay with Pam and I. He laid there very patiently waiting for Julia to come back and when she came back into the room he was right there where he could see her again. And when the nurses said he could get in the bed with her he was ready to get where he could lay by her side. This little dog stuck right by her side but we also have someone who sticks by ours.

Proverbs 18:24: A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

We have a companion who sticks closer to us than any brother or sister we could ever hope for. His name is Jesus. He is our Lord and Savior. Every trial or trouble or medical procedure He is right there with us. But instead of having to wait out side the door, He goes into every room with us. When we feel alone He is right there by our side. When you need a friend to talk to He is there listening to you. All you have to do is rely on Him. Just open up to Him and He will patiently listen to all your problems.

Is Jesus available to everyone?

Yes, He is! You see, at one point as we were getting ready to leave the hospital I stood outside the door of the room with Buddy on his leash and his red service dog vest on. He never walked away from that door: he stood right in front of it just looking at it because he knew that his owner and friend — or if you will, his family — was inside the room. When the door opened he walked right in. And took his place beside his owner.

Jesus stands at the door today knocking and calling to you to open the door. He wants to come in and comfort you and let you know that He is here for you.

Revelations 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

He stands knocking and calling to you. All you have to do is answer Him and open up the door so He can come in and minister to you. He will not walk in unless you invite Him into your life. He will stand patiently waiting on that invitation from you.

Like I was saying earlier, that little dog my sister has he was there all the time with her. And the same way Jesus wants to be part of your life also. And I know you might think that you have to give up so much, but what you gain is so much more.

I pray that this blog has helped you in some way. It is entirely up to you whether you open the door or notL just remember, He is only a prayer away.

May God Bless you.

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