Meet Pastor Hebert Wright

Hello! My name is Hebert Wright married to Pamela Wright. We have one son, Jeremiah, who is married to his wife, Stephanie. Together, they have our only two grandchildren, Connor and Camryn.
Pastor Hebert Wright Pamela Wright

My Background

I went to Ben Logan School and joined the Marines in 1975. I later served in the Ohio National Guard in 1977. I spent a total of 6 years serving and am proud to be a veteran.

After living in Kenton for many years, we moved to Dunkirk in 2000 and have lived there ever since. In 2007, I was driving to Honda one morning and praying. I said, “Lord, if it be your will, open doors. Or even if it is your will, give me a church and I will pastor it for you.”

That evening on the way home from work I ran into a friend. I knew the church he attended was up for sale, and I asked how it was going. He responded that the ones interested in it had decided not to as they had concerns over repair costs to the structure.

I asked him what they were asking for the it and he said nothing — they wanted to give the church away!

Was this an open door?

As I drove on home that evening, I couldn’t get the church out of my mind. I stopped at my father in-laws to delivery his newspaper and told him about the church. He said if he was younger, he would take the church! That got me thinking even more!

I came home and talked to Pam and then drove over to talk to the people who had the church. We toured it and saw the condition it was in. However, when I walked in I could see what it would look like once the repairs were completed.

Heritage Oaks Full Gospel Church

On October 1st, the deed of the church was transferred to my wife and I! We immediately started prepping the church to re-open. On January 26, 2008, we held our first service! It was on a Saturday night and our son Jeremiah preached that first service.

That year we were operating from week to week. One Sunday morning I went out to check the propane tank and figured we had enough fuel for one more service. So I prayed before the service and that day our offering was enough to pay for the fuel and to pay the electric!

We had repaired parts of the roof but it was really old. One morning, I walked out and saw one area of the roof and prayed, “Lord if you don’t step in, I don’t know how we’ll fix the roof.” Shortly after, God provided us with the means to repair the roof and even some of the siding. Yet again, God answered a prayer!

Our Call

My wife and I have been pastors of Heritage Oaks Since 2008, and it is a joy to be a pastor! I would like to welcome everyone of you to visit us — we would love to have you! We are a small church who simply loves the Lord. We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost — and that the only way to make Heaven your home is through Jesus. We believe that preaching and teaching the Word of God is central to equipping the saints.

A Little About the Church

From research we found out that in the 1890s, a new school teacher was selected for the Oak Harbor School. The article said, “It says a lot for her — she was a teenager when she was selected!”>

In the 1960s, a church from Forrest purchased the building and repurposed it as a church which opened in 1966. The name back then was Oak Harbor Full Gospel Church of Dunkirk. When we reopened in 2008, the church it became Heritage Oaks Full Gospel Church.