Boy I wished I could go back... or do I?

Proverbs 20:29 — The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the gray head.

I think of the past from time to time. Friends fishing, camping with my brother, even being then in school.

Then I think about my years in the Marine Corp, and then the Ohio National Guard. Boy, was I in good shape back then!

What I think about more is the years Pam and I have been together. Our first date and how I proposed to her. I asked her, “Do you think you would marry a guy like me?” And yes incase you are guessing she said yes.

Then having to talk to her father and I did want his blessings. He told us, “This is not like trying on a pair of shoes and finding you don’t like it you can just get a new pair. And if you hurt her, I’ll have you thrown in jail!”

I think he was serious! I promised him I would never let her be on public assistance, but he corrected me and said that sometime you may have to.

I remember our son being born how I went to work and got home on second shift and Pam saying I think its time and going to the hospital and sitting in the room with her till late and then seeing him born. I look back on his first steps and getting off and reading to him then when he learned to read he would read to me and put me to sleep.

I remember riding with him on my motorcycle. Then his graduation his marriage to Stephanie and the birth of Connor and Camryn, our grandchildren.

There are so many good memories

Sometimes, it makes me wish I could “go back. Maybe to a time when I was a kid growing up. Most of the time we used an outhouse and outside water. And the first shower we had dad built outside in Belle Center with a garden hose hooked to a outside faucet.

Maybe when Pam and I first got married. I loved the way we would together doing things together. But I was laid off most of the year.

Maybe when Jeremiah was a baby it would be sweet to hold him on my chest again and listening to him as he sleeps. But I would miss the counsel that he gives me now when I ask for it and yes, we don’t alway agree.

Maybe when Jeremiah and Stephanie first got married the love and joy that radiated from them (and still does). Of course back to a time when the grandchildren were born holding them in our arms and knowing that they were the cutest thing ever born.

The more I think about it the more I am pretty sure that I really would not want to go back in time to a younger age.

Psalms 71:17 — O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. 18 Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come

After all, I know that God has a plan for my life and he has a path for me to walk. He has gotten me this far and he will take me the rest of the way. So to say I wished I could go back to an earlier time, well, I cant say that be cause I have been a blessed man my entire life.

I pray this blog helps you in some way and that God Blesses you in the walk he has set for you to take.


  1. Love you Pastor Hebert…and I’m so happy you met Pam and you are one of my favorite nephews! I love to read your blogs!

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