A door mat heritage oaks full gospel church

Is being a door mat a bad thing?

“2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” – 1 Peter 1:2

So many time in the past have I have heard someone say, “I’m not going to be a door mat for anyone.” After giving this much thought, I have to ask: is being a door mat such a bad thing after all?

Stop and think what all a door mat represents. It’s the first thing you see at the door. Sometimes it says “Welcome.” Other times it’ll say “Enter” or “Come in and feel loved.”

The House of God

When I think about entering the House of God, I think it’s nice to be welcomed. Isn’t that something a door mat does?

I also think that a person feels better about themselves know they are wanted there. And isn’t this also something a door mat can do?

But you may say, “But people wipe their feet on a door mat!” and you are absolutely true. But think about this: sometimes, people need a place they can get the dirt from this world off of them. This, too, is the function of a door mat.

One more thought: wouldn’t you like to be used by God to introduce others to his Son?

Let’s all be door mats!

So for me, the idea of being a door mat is closer to the idea of being there when people help reaching out to the Lord. So I pray that when you enter into our services, or wherever you worship, you can feel the grace and peace that comes through the blood of Jesus.

So which would you prefer to be. As for me it doesn’t hurt one bit to let people think they can walk on me. Stop and consider the alternative.

May God Bless you and I hope this has encouraged you in some way.

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