Download from our free worship music library!

You’re welcome to download as many of these songs as you would like! They are all produced in-house and hopefully they bless you. There are some original songs written by Pastor Hebert, and others are well known choruses. We provide them for free and all we ask is that if you use, them please do not charge for them elsewhere.

If you click on the song title, it’ll begin playing in your browser. Just click to save it to your computer.

If these blessed you, or if you feel led to support our ministry, then we provided an easy PayPal form for you to donate to our church. Pastor Hebert does not take a salary — all donations are used for the upkeep and operations of the church.

Again thank you for you consideration and May God bless you!

To Donate to Heritage Oaks Full Gospel Church, just click on the button below!