Psalms 127:3 Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

There were nine of us kids all together and we used to joke about being enough for our own ball team. Which meant we were never alone growing up. One of the other brothers and sisters was always around so we always had someone to play with or to fight with. Sound a bit odd fighting with family members but we had some good ones as kids but the thing about it was by the end of the day the fight was forgotten and we were back to being family again. This also meant we always had someone to play with, go fishing with, and go camping with. In other words, there was always a friend around.

Growing up we were poor but we never realized it we thought everyone was the same. There was an empty lot about 3 houses down from where we lived and the area kids would meet there all the time to play football, baseball or in the winter snowball fights. And needless to say, there was always 2 or 3 of us Wrights there too.


I look back on those times with a lot of fondness it was a time when everything was right in the world at least we thought it was. But like with other families as we got older one by one we moved out and our little army of a family would get smaller and smaller. But no matter where I would go I always carried my family with me in my heart.

Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

But as years go by in our family there has been a couple of my brothers and a sister that passed away. This doesn’t mean I don’t remember them or think of them from time to time. It means that I just can’t talk to them like I used to. But I still have a brother and 4 sisters that I can still talk to. There is more to my family though than just the ones who were born into it. There is an extended family that I have that others were born into and it is the Family of God. And this family continues to grow. How do you get into this family one might ask I know at one time years ago I never knew how to become part of this family but dear friends and family prayed for me that one day I found my way to the Father. Understand that when someone says, “I found the Lord” it was not God who was lost but it is the individual. God is right where he has always been waiting at the door and knocking asking to come into your hearts.

Revelations 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

All we have to do is open the door and let Jesus into our hearts. You can be an only child of your parents but in the family of God, you have so many other brothers and sisters that care for you. There is so much to being part of a family as a boy growing up there was always someone there to pick me up if I fell or got hurt, in God’s family, there are those who care for you and will help you to stand when you need it.

As a boy I always had someone to talk to, in God’s family, we can talk to our Father every day and also tell our brothers and sisters when we need prayer or help.

As a boy growing up there was always a home that I could go back to where I would find warmth and love, in God’s family you have a home waiting for you where you can find warmth and love and safety.

You may be reading this blog and say this is another salvation message and you right but this is also so much more than that. This blog is intended to hopefully and prayerfully to get you to realize that there is so much more you can have, it’s meant to lift you up and to encourage you. People need to know that with things going every which way in their lives that there is so much more to be had out of life. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that everything will be peaches and cream and roses will start to bloom, but what I will tell you in the Family of God there is so much more waiting on you. There is a peace that goes beyond understanding, there is a joy that is so easy to obtain, and there is a love that you can have that only our Heavenly Father can give.

I pray that after you’ve read this that if you are already part of God’s family it lifts you up, but if you are not that this helps you to understand all you have to do is ask, and God will freely give to you. If you need prayer on our website there is a link to email us, our address and hours are there to if you don’t have a church you attend.

May God keep you and help you in your daily walk.

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