How was your year?

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

What Kind of year have you had. Have you had a good one or a bad one? Well for me to answer this I need to go back to the year 2014 when I retired. And let me say I am far from complaining about my situation. I had to retire because of my health: I was unable to walk back to my desk at one time without stoping several time along the way be cause of my health so I could rest.

At one point I was sitting in the hallway and one of the men who I thought I knew thought it was funny that I was having such problems. But I worked as long as I could and finally had no choice but to retire.

And thats when you think that you can slow down and take thing easy.


For me that was not the case. We made it through 2014 and God was with us every step of the way. Then 2015 hit and I had to have a neck operation was told if it was not done I would be in a wheelchair within the year so Pam and I opted to get it done. They removed 4 disc in my neck and put in metal plates so the range of motion in my neck was reduced but God is good.

I was going to go back in and have a lower back operation but that had to be put on hold because of 2 stoke and then a severe infection around my heart that put me back in the hospital and then open heart surgery to replace a valve that was bad but the infection made it worse. But God was with us every step of the way and Pam was by my side everyday.

Then there was other medical problems but God seen us through it. As the scriptures said above God will not fail you nor forsake you. And after I started this blog I ended up getting another infection that was in my blood but had not made it to my heart yet that put me in the hospital again and I just got out with Pam having to treat me with intervenes antibiotics for the next 6 weeks at home. Which this I will write about in my next blog.

1 Thessalonians 5:
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

So how is your year so far? Mine is great and you may ask how can I have such a great year being sick since the first part till now?

Cause God has seen me through every situation.

Like the scriptures say in everything give thanks. And I do give thanks each and everyday God has been good to me there are worse off than I am. We got to go camping for the first time in years and the people that camped next to us were so wonderful Randy is crippled in both legs but that has not slowed him down he rides a bicycle every day and does what he wants to do while using two canes to get a round on.

So and he has such a good outlook on life. He could have set back and done nothing but he refused to and kept on going. So when I look at him what are my problems compared to what he has over came. So even though this has been a rough year on my body my year has been great cause God has been with me through it. So today I am waiting for the nurse to get here and take some blood and show Pam what to do to take care if me. And I thought I would finish this blog by saying I am so blessed in every situation. God is good. I pray that this encourages you and help you to understand how that with God by your side you can make it. May God Bless you and guide you on you way.

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