I’m just an old softy

In my younger years (before Pam and I got married) there were several different things that people thought about me.

Some thought I was one of the roughest individuals around.

Others thought I had to be a trouble maker because of how I carried myself and how big I was.

The ones who new me best knew that I was just an old softy. One time, some friends and I went out to watch a movie and they caught me wiping a tear from my eye because what was being portrayed in the movie. They picked on me a lot that day and but being friends I knew they were just kidding. These same friends also knew that I would help them if I could in a moments notice.

Being a softy

It has always seemed that I have had a soft spot for people who were weaker — and for children who could not defend themselves. I still do. I was able to hide it a bit better in my younger years, but as I grow older I’m not as able to. This does not mean a person is weak just because they tear up at sad things.

It means they have a compassionate heart.

Looking back through the years, so many defenseless people have been hurt and taken advantage of that it just doesn’t seem fair. But, I am just one man and what can I do about it?

Can one man or woman make a difference?

Yes they can!

Like I said I am a soft,y but I also know where to turn to get help. Through prayer and seeking God, one man or woman can make a difference. It might just be a difference in the area you live it, it might only be a difference among your friends or family but you can make a difference!

Joshua 23:10: One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.

I believe this holds true today: one a man or woman of God can make a difference. You just need to have your heart in the right spot.

Like I said, in my younger years people that did not know me thought I was a rough individual. At the age if 17 I joined the Marines. This furthered the image others had of me being so rough. Then, I ran heavy equipment: front end loaders and such. And this seem to add to the tough guy image. Plus, dad taught us that “real men don’t cry.”

Let me be the first to say real men do cry.

In John 11:35 the scriptures says “Jesus wept”.

If my Lord and Savior can weep, then I think I can to. I remember as Jeremiah our son was growing up and I would see his soft heart then I would hide my tears cause I was dad and I needed to set an example for him. Then at Jeremiah and Stephanie’s wedding I looked down and Jeremiah was in tears when he saw Stephanie.

That made me lose it.

So guys, I’m hear to tell you its ok to have a soft heart. You might be worried that people might think less of you for that but I think they would actually be glad to see that you actually have a heart.

When I was working I would always kiss Pam and tell her I love you before I would leave for work. This I felt made our life together stronger. In todays times with a few more years on me I find sometimes my eyes tearing up a bit more than they used to but I would not exchanged my life for anything in the world.

May God Bless you in you daily lives.

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