In God's time

Matthew 9:20: And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: 21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

When you want something, do you want it now? I know I am! In fact, I would have liked to have had it yesterday! But of course, you’re not that way are you?

In the spring, I got some sort of flu or cold or something. It lasted a few weeks and with it came body aches that usually come with a cold but these were different. After the cold had passed the pain did not leave. The front of my shins ached, my hip joints hurt, and I thought that this might just be gone in a few days or a week or so.

But it did not leave. In fact it started getting worse: my legs got weak and the hurting in the front of my legs hurt to the point at times I walked with a cane. I ended up going to a our family doctor and they ran several test but all the doctors that I went to could not figure it out. So all summer long the pain was there at night.

I would turn up the spinal cord stimulator that is implanted in my back and while it would ease the pain, in the morning it was still there. @hen I turned down the implant it would be there getting worse as the day went on.

My time

Here recently, we made plans to do a little remodeling in one room that I figured would take about three days. But since I could not stand as long, it took a few weeks to complete. Pam helped me all she could and our neighbor even came down and helped me set a door that I could not do by myself. But as the work went on so did the pain: it got to the point Pam was having to push me in a wheelchair while shopping. There were different things suggested to try, and I considered them. But in the end, my determination made me more determined to trust in God.

Something happened a few weeks back: I was still in pain but I started praying for someone else. I even prayed if I live the rest of my life in pain thats fine but this thing that I am praying for I feel is so needed in this day and time. I can live with the pain and yes Pam helps me much to get through it but its not about me its about others.

I am still praying for this to this day I had to remind myself it’s not my will but Gods will that matters. He has a plan I just need to trust in him.

Proverbs 3:5: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

This was a lesson I knew but it seems I needed to be reminded of it to trust God as He has a plan for me and I need to stand back and listen to Him. Like I said some times we want something and we want it now.

Then something else happened: on Tuesday, August 20 it was so bad I had to use my cane to get around the house. I kept it close so that when I needed it it was there I leaned on chairs and tables to get around the house. I thought this is the worst it has been so far. Then the next day I kept the cane by my chair to help me get up and I noticed about noon that the pain started to ease some. We had Wednesday night service and I left the cane at home. While I had one in my truck, it stayed there. The pain was present but getting less severe. The day I wrote this, I got up and there is some pain my foot is numb but it feels so much better.

Fast food prayers

I preach that we are a McDonalds type of society. We want it now and we want it super sized. But the truth of the matter is that we need to lean more on God and less on ourselves. I’m trusting God to know the best for me and what is needed. But the prayer I mentioned I am still praying there are so many needs that are more important than mine. God has been so good to me in all that He has brought me through. And yes, Pam hears how much I hurt: she my wife my help mate we were brought together to help each other.

So you see, God has already given me help in all of this by joining me with a wife that is the better half of me. As of today I’m doing good taking each day as God gives them to me.

Isaiah 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed

By His stripes we are healed and in Gods time this will happen. I just need to learn to wit for His time. M

ay God bless you and may you walk in Gods will.

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