it took more than a village

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

As I laid in the hospital being treated for another infection that I thank God it did not reach my heart but it did effect me in my health my joints and muscles and even put me back in the hospital.

I also thank God for how he used the situation I was in as different Nurses and PSA’s would come in to the room to take care of me and I got talking to them and asking where they were from. Of course there were the ones from Ohio some were even close to Dunkirk and they were all exceptional when it came to taking care of me. And as Pam and I talked to them their dialect told us they were from different parts of the world.

One of the first ones was Lulu from Tanzania and she had such a cheerful personality. Then we met Hajira from Kenya she was a nurse who took care of me and was very nice to talk to. Then we met Donalyn from the Philippines which was one of the night nurses who was very helpful. There was Mohammed from Morocco he was a X-ray tech who came to X-ray where the pic was placed in my chest. There was Mani she was from South East Asia. There was Doris and Vivian from Ghana. And Dr. Patel who’s background was India.

And every time they would come into the room to dispense medicine or take my vitals we would talk and get to know each other better.

I almost forgot Nate from Poland he was a PSA on the nights shift who was learning different languages and was very nice to talk with. We had two PSA’s from Columbus who was getting married not to each other and they were both very nice to talk to. And a nurses who was expecting their first baby her name was Rebecca, her and her husband was looking for a home to buy. And it was so good to hear of how they were doing. And there were others who I did not mention but they are just as important.

And all these people and nationalities came together in one place to help me to get back on my feet.

As Christians we are supposed to go onto the highways and the byways of the world and compel them to come.

Matthew 22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

So as each one came into the room we done our best to talk with them with love and kindness and you know what when you treat people good they will treat you good. And show that we care for each one. And one thing I did tell them was that I understood they were there for my benefit to help me get better and Pam stayed in the room with me to make their job a little easier by helping me with the things she could take care of.

We even had a couple nurses come back in so they could talk and check up on us they said they just liked talking to us. Some might ask why did God let this happen to me but he did not make me sick and I say I thank God that he took a bad situation and turned it around for his good.

It was also amazing how much we all had in common. I did notice one thing that it seemed like all of them had in common no matter where they were from was the love of family and respect for their families. With some we were able to talk about the Lord together and others were different beliefs but does that mean we treat them any different they were just as sweet and so good to get to know.

I loved and enjoyed talking to all of them no matter what their belief was.

So sometimes a village just isn’t big enough it takes a world effort and in the case of getting me back home it took a world effort.

I am so thankful that our church knows how to pray for me cause I know that God heard your prayers and he answered them by getting me better. But I wanted to take time to share my experience in the hospital this time. It was so good to know that just because we are all not from Ohio that we can still be kind to one another and these Nurses and PSA’s hope I will not forget.

I thank God for each and every one of you but I also thank God for the new friends I made. May God Bless you all and if you don’t know the Lord I pray that this blog may help you find him and if you are looking for the Lord He is right there beside you. God Bless you.

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