Just one more soul

“26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26

After watching an account of a soldier during World War II, I started praying. “Lord just one more soul” I said. I pray this every time I post a scripture or talk to someone about the Lord.

Now, I also pray this over each blog I write. “Lord help me reach just one more soul for you, that you may be glorified with the words written here.”

A solider

Let me go back to this soldier I was talking about. His name was Desmond Doss and he served during the Second World War. He refused to carry a gun and was highly decorated for his service. I won’t cover everything I have read about him, but his story touched me in a unique way.

He was a very devout man in his belief. Doss was a Seventh Day Adventist and as I mentioned, he refused to carry a weapon. He also refused to work on Saturday and refused to stop praying when the men of his outfit made fun of him. They threw shoes while he was praying, and even his officers gave him a hard time.

Much of the following is cited from a 2006 Los Angeles Times article.

Doss served in the Pacific front and earned the respect of his fellow soldiers in his division. He later served during an assault on a Maeda Escarpment. Many men lost their lives, and those that didn’t were driven back. However, Doss earned the Medal of Honor for his efforts.

As it turns out, he refused to leave any wounded behind. As Doss saved each man, he prayed, “Dear God, let me get just one more.”


This touched me profoundly. It’s the same way Christians should feel! “God, grant me just one more soul. Let me help bring them to you.”


Consider this: you are actually medics on the battlefield for God. Your first aid kit contains your Bible, your faith, and the anointing from Jesus. We use the wraps as the grace of God and salvation for a healing salve to bind their life threatening wound. After all, those who are not saved end up in the devil’s Hell.

This is our commission on the battlefield. I speak to you as a veteran as well as a pastor now. Pick up your fist aid bags and go forth. Start asking God to help you lead “just one more soul” to the Kingdom for Him. And then, after that one finds the Lord, pray again, “Lord, just one more soul for you.”

I would ask this of you: just because someone is not in your area, or your home church is far away, still remember that souls are important. I often will suggest other churches to people I have talked to about the Lord that are in their area. After all, it’s not about any kingdom that is mine but it’s about building the Kingdom of God.

May God Bless you in your journeys for Him!

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