Heritage oaks full gospel church life changes

In nature living things change, a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, a tadpole grows into a frog, and a child grows up.

Everything changes somehow. Let me tell you of a vacation that we went on with our son Jeremiah, Stephanie and our grandson Connor and Stephanie’s family. We went to Myrtle Bech and it was the first vacation we had taken for about nine years. While we were there I would get up early in the morning and walk along the beach and just enjoy the water from the ocean and the scarce number of people that were out that early. I was looking for a seashell hoping to find a really nice one to bring home as a memento from the vacation. I also love rocks so a nice rock would have been welcomed also.

As I was walking I noted ahead of me was a spot that the waves would wash over and then when they went back the spot was still there. So my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to walk up to see what it was. As I got close to it I could see it looked like a shell but not one I could tell what it was so I reached down to pick it up and it turned out to be a fossilized shell. Isn’t God wonderful? I was looking for a shell and I love rocks and he gives me a rock and a shell all in one! I was so pleased with my find in fact to this day that fossil sits on my desk in my office among other rocks that I like.


But see over the course of time the shell was turned into a stone. But this is the way the world is. The world has changed so much in the past 50 years. Do you remember rotary phones and party lines that we had back in the day? Now it wireless smartphones. Back in the day, only Dick Tracy talked on his wristwatch; now we have smartwatches that we talk over, track our steps, track our heart rate and even our location.

Some changes are for the best and help to make life easier, some changes I just have trouble getting used to but I’m sort of a rotary dial phone in a smartphone world. So, I will do my best to adapt and if I don’t understand I’m sure our son Jeremiah or our grandchildren can help straighten me out. This generation is growing up in a time of wonder and amazement for the most part. But there is one thing that will never change and that is the Word of God.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

The same God that brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, is the same God that sent his Son to die for us, He is the same God that placed a call into your life, and he will still be the same God that will be there when this earth has passed away. And his name is the great I Am, He is the Lion of Judah, the Bright and Morning Star, He is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.

When I think about how God is ever constant the same that it took for people 50 or 200 years ago to be saved is the same that it takes today and will be the same God that will save them in another 50 years.

Acts 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

This statement is so simple sometimes it confuses some people, you only have to have the faith in Jesus to be saved. And then this will change your life because once you have the faith that Jesus can save you, and ask Him into your heart, then you become a new creature in Christ. And as we were talking about before there is a change. Your life changes for the better. Your way of thinking, a lot of time your speech, the change that takes place is a desire to be pleasing to God and to learn more of Him. And how do you know that this change takes place? People can tell you that you are saved but unless you know it in yourself this is when the true change takes place. And asking Jesus into your life is the first step in a life long commitment to God.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

This is the next step that you take in this life-altering change that you decide to take. Over the years some has tried so hard to help people get saved that they have complicated matters but the fact is the same way during the time of the disciples that people got saved, is the same way today that people get saved. I know I write a lot about salvation, but as a pastor this is what I was called to do, is to help as many as I can to find there way to Jesus. And with this, if you would like to find more out about salvation and turning your life over to God, or you just need prayer there is a link on our website that you can email us and we would be happy to pray for you.

May God Bless you and may His light shine in the path for you to take.

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