Heritage Oaks full gospel church send me Not my job

Am I my brother’s keeper?

Right after I gave my life to Jesus, I became interested in how the church worked and operated. I held several positions at the church: Sunday School Superintendent, Deacon, Minister, landscaper, and even helped the food bank. I had ample opportunity to see how the church worked.

During a meeting one evening, a member stood up and said, “We need to do this, we need people to do it, but I don’t have time because it’s not my job!”

Really, they were saying that the church jobs weren’t important. Here’s the thing: if God laid something on your heart, it might be because He chose you for the job.

After we had a water line break here at the church, my first reaction was, “How are we going to get this done?” Pam and I initially tried to down it on our own. While we heading to Kenton to rent a carpet cleaner, I received a phone from call a brother in the church to see if we needed help. Once we got back to the church, he was there waiting to help.

Our Attitude

His attitude was, “I could be home, but I rather be out here helping my church”. It was past midnight before we left. God used a bad situation to turn it into a blessing. That night, our brother turned into his brothers keeper.

“And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?” — Genesis 4:9

I have actually heard it stated before that “If we call (to check on them), they may get upset!” The fear was that they may be going to another church.

This one bothers me. As a pastor, I’m concerned when someone does not show up. As Christians, our first thought should be, “Are they all right? Did anything happen on their way to church? Are they sick?”

Have you ever been unable to make it to church for a season? How did it feel when no one called? You probably wondered if the church really cared about you!

Take the pain you experienced, and use it for good. Call someone to check on them.

Once they answer

Are you afraid of what might happen once you call? “What do I say”, right? Just be honest: tell them you miss them at church. Ask if there’s anything they need. Remember:

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” — Matthew 7:12 

We should treat others how we want to be treated. In the past, I have noticed so many people slip through the cracks because no one checked on them. Let’s rewind many, many years. There was a man by the name of Lewis Whittaker who started the Quickstep church in an onion shed on the marsh. At some point, there was a some kind of sickness going around Hardin County. Many people were catching this cold, and Pastor Whittaker walked up to a house where someone was dealing with the sickness.

Someone tried to stop him from going inside. His reply was, “I don’t need no inoculation — the Lord inoculated me!” He was known as a man who, when he prayed, you got better. He was his brothers keeper!

Remember, it is our duty to be the hands and feet of Jesus everywhere we go. There’s a saying “Anyone could have done it, but in the end Nobody done it”. How does this sit with you?

Send Me

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” — Isaiah 6:8

We should all be saying send me! Send me to apply the healing salve of brotherly love, with the message of redemption, to those who need lifted up.

How do I know that you are able to do it? Because God has called you! Those he calls, He also equips!

May God Bless you And keep you all the time.

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