“Good morning self,

I hope you are going to have a good day today! As I leave this note for you, there are a few things I want to ask you.

  • Have you prayed today, thanking God for waking you up?
  • This morning when you got up and looked outside, did you marvel at the wonders that God has given you?
  • Have you thanked God for being there when you thought you were alone.

Now I know you’re a busy man, but seriously did you take time to step back and just thank God for the wonderful family you have? Did you pray for them?

You need to slow down and look up into the heavens to see the sky and the birds that the Lord has sent to serenade you with their morning songs.

Now I’m pretty sure you got things line up for you to do today that will keep you busy, but let me remind to give God praise for supplying your coffee and breakfast to you. As you start your day, stop for a minute and remember those who just cant get up and walk around the way you do.

You know you are a pretty blessed man. I know when you were working a full time job everyday you prayed to God every morning to take you to work safely and in the evenings you prayed for a safe trip home. When you pulled in the driveway, you thanked God for bringing you back home to your family safely.

You remember that car accident where that telephone pole came through the back window right behind your head? God sure protected you, and you thanked Him that day. Thank Him again today.

The other night, as you looked up at the stars and saw the star shoot across the night sky, and in you mind you recognized how beautiful, did you thank God for His perfect timing in showing it to you?

You know, since you’ve retired God has blessed you time and time again. Do you remember how awesome that eagle looked as it soared up high in the sky? God knows how much you love to watch wild animals, so did you thank him for sending that eagle over past your house so you got to see it?

I have know you all your life, and it seems that all your life you have been blessed and watched over. Here in your later years, it seems like you have been blessed all the more. God blessed you with a wonderful wife and son. Now, He’s added to that family with a wonderful daughter in-law and the best grandson and granddaughter a man could ever want.

So you see Hebert, you have led a blessed life. I can call you Hebert, right? Like I said before, I have known you since you have been born. So Hebert, I leave you with this one last thought. God has been so gracious and merciful to you: please don’t forget to be the same to others as you go through you life. Oh, and be sure to thank God everyday.



This might seem a bit whimsical, but you should try it sometimes and see what you end up reminding yourself to do.

May God Bless you and prosper you.

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