People get excited

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying that everyone that goes to monster truck rallies or ball games are like this, but some are. You ever notice that on television when they advertise ball games or monster truck rallies they do it big and loud and its usually on Sunday.

And then Ive noticed that at the games and such the people are cheering and screaming loud and making a scene as long as the one they like are winning and doing well but when the excitement is over and if their team don’t win then they slide out before anyone else. I have to wonder if the excitement is there before and during the game what happened at the end of the game.

So my original thought was maybe we should advertise church that way big and loud leading up to the day of the service.

But then the second part of that got me thinking if their favorite minister was not there or if the sermon stepped on their toes would they slide out before service was over thinking since it did not go the way they wanted they just did not have a good service.

My first pastor Brother Gordon Burger once said to me if you feel your having problems with the service is to eat the meat of the service and spit out the bones.

I remember when my wife and I first got saved we would be walking out of service and people talking about how great a service we had and you could ask them what was preached most the time the answer would be they did not know but wasn’t the music good. For me the Word is what makes the service and the music helps to add to the service not saying that music can’t minister to people but the word is what is going to get you through the hard time.

I love playing and singing gospel music but I also love bringing the word of God to minister to myself and others. Maybe I am the one that is thinking wrong but everything I read says we are supposed to take the Word to the entire world.

So what about all those who get excited about all the other things that goes on on Sunday.

Pray for them that they see they need the Lord more than they need a ball game. My thought is what are they going to do if they are going on the premise I got plenty of time and the time ends before they get saved. I worked with a man one time that when I would talk to him about the Lord and getting saved he told me that he always knew that he would get saved on his death bed.

I told him he is playing a very serious game when he thinks that he has a time reserved like that what if something unforeseen happens then what will he do. I have heard several reasons not to get saved and one of the most used is I have plenty of time a couple others is “I don’t have anything to wear” or “If so and so is saved I will be too.”

This is a dangerous thing to do

Right after I was saved I was told pick you someone out and try to pattern your walk after theirs. There was these folks that I always thought they had it together so I started watching and thinking how can I pattern my life after theirs. And the more I watch the less I seen of them the more I watched them I notice the more they were gone. So I changed my mind about trying to pattern my walk after someone else but maybe this was the lesson they wanted me to learn not to pattern your life after man but to pattern your life after Jesus.

This is what gets me excited: to see all that Jesus has done.

You see you walk with Jesus is not something you put on when its convenient it is what you are all the time.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

The Lord will teach us of all thing that are to come this is why your salvation is so important. But it is entirely your choice I have heard it asked before why doesn’t God just make everyone get saved. Thats very easy: God is a God of grace and he will not force you to do anything that you don’t want to do.

I have heard people say God is a God of mercy he will not send anyone to Hell and you are correct. God does not send those that goes to Hell.

There they make that choice while they are yet walking on this earth. I pray that this helps you in some way.

May God bless you and help you to make the right choice.

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