heritage oaks full gospel church spiders and me

It’s the little things

It’s not David and Goliath but spiders are something that I have a problem with. I have always been bothered by them ever since I can remember. As a child growing up I avoided their webs I would see those big black and yellow spiders sitting in the middle of there web out in the yard or garden and I would avoid the whole area. And I really don’t know why I have a problem with them — I am a little bigger than they are. A lot of time it is the little things that can bother us most

Song of Solomon 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

When we first got the church we had a plumbing problem and I asked different ones if they were interested in coming down to fix it and they would give me time but not show up. So I finally decided I would have to try to fix it myself. So, I got a light and tide the light to a rope and tied the rope to my belt. In my other hand, I had a bag of fittings and tool to fix the leak. I open the crawl space witch one I got down inside of it was very confining it seemed as if the there was just enough room for me to slide under. As I got close to the place that the leak was at I was on my back and looked to my left and there hung a spider. At that very instance, the light came unplugged and I was in the dark. So picture this a man my size a big spider (at least it looked big!) and the light goes out and we are both in the dark. Being the level headed person I am I calmly yelled, “PAM! Pam, it’s dark under here and there is a spider beside me!” Little did I know the plug was wrapped close to my foot and I could reach it. So Pam looked under and said the plug is right beside you to plug the light back in. The light came back on and the spider was not as big and I got the leak fixed. Needless to say, it is the small things that can give us the most problems at times.

I can tell you other tales of me and spider encounters but that may take quite a while. In the scriptures, we are told it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. Have you ever thought about that? Some of the times the things that give us the most problems is the small thing, whether it is home repairs, auto repairs, or things that make one waver in their walk with Jesus. Maybe someone not thinking said something that discouraged you, or when you walked into the church no one shook your hand, and if that happens at our church please come up and shake mine because I want you all to feel welcome in our services. But it things like that which can be a hindrance to you.

How do we overcome things? How do you not let the little things bother you? I believe it is keeping in mind that you are a Child of God and even if someone says something to you just forgive them. Forgiveness is a huge part of our Christian walk and that will keep us strong. For after all how much were you forgiven for when you asked Jesus into your heart.

Little foxes

But back to the little foxes did you know that the diet of the fox is mostly plant-based. So the fences that were constructed back during the time this scripture was written the smaller foxes could slip through and get to the fruit hanging on the vines. This would be bad for the person who owned the vineyard because of the loss of the fruit the foxes ate. I was born again in 1990 and needless to say, there were those who doubted I would stay saved. They even said so! But, I am so thankful for the ones who were an encouragement to me. It seems at times a 100 people can tell someone how well they do but one person who for reasons unknown might say something negatives and this causes more damage than the 100 who gave encouraging words. Don’t let the small things bother you as much. I have been saved 29 years and still, there is someone who every great once in a while says something negative. But as I said before that is just one person. So what I do is pray for them some times they don’t realize how their words can hurt.

1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

The scripture above is the best advice for overcoming the small stuff you are Children of God, and you have done this by overcoming the world and with the Spirit of God in you how you cannot be conquered by the things of this world. We are only here for a short time, so let you walk concentrate on the ones that have encouraged you instead of the one or two that was a discouragement.

One final thought about Spiders. I know they are here for a reason and one of those reasons is they are here is to take care of some other insects. And that is fine but I do hope one of these days they realize I’m not an insect and they go somewhere else. Until then I will deal with them and thank God for the blessing that he has bestowed on me.

May God Bless you and help you to overcome the small things in your life

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