The Blame Game

Genesis 3:12: And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

This sounds too familiar in the time we live in. It is so easy to say, “It’s not my fault!”

Growing up, I was always taught to take credit for my failures (and my successes). But, it seems that this is an old way of thinking. Dad was quick to let you know when you did well, and he was just as quick to correct you when you did wrong.

That did not keep me from saying, “It’s my fault.” So many times it would have been so easy to blame someone else but that would not have made me who I am today.

Family lessons

I remember one time I got in trouble. There was dad standing there asking, “What did you do?” I told him and was I ever expecting a whooping! But he did not stop there. He asked another question: “Why did you do it?”

So, I explained the reason and instead of dad punishing me, he looked at me and said that he was proud of me for being man enough to admit my mistakes.

This has always stuck with me, so to see so many playing the blame game is something I just don’t understand. It seems so many want to blame their parents or their job, or just that everyone else is against them. To use an old expression, sometimes we just need to man up and admit it’s my fault: I’m the one who made the mess I’m in right now.

You ever stop to think if we would take the blame for our situation and try to learn how to avoid it the next time that we would do a lot better in the way we handle things.

Adam and Eve

In Genesis 3:12, we see Adam blaming Eve. In a sense, he also tries to blame God (“…this woman You gave me”). Then, we see Eve blaming the serpent for tricking her into tasting of the fruit. But when we stop and think about this God personally told Adam not to eat of the fruit.

So to lay blame to me is pointless: what we need to realize is admit we messed up and figure out how we we fix it. I remember when I would hear people say, “When I was a kid, it was different.” And you know what? They’re right. The bad don’t have the morals they used to, and it seems they never grew up. For the good, life is better!

Now this might upset some of you but think of how it would be if the politicians would own up to the problems they have caused!

By the way I’m neither republican or democrat, I’m American.

God Bless you all.

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