The Fire That Burns or Warms

James 3:7-10  7: For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: 8: but the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.             9: Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. 10: Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought Not so to be

There is a fire that burns in a person. It can be a fire that consumes or it can be a fire that destroys or it can be a fire that warms and welcomes. I’ll start with a question to you which fire burns inside of you?

In my life time I have sat beside many fires campfires to lite where we are at for the night and also to keep us warm, fires to clean out a fence row to burn out the tangle brush and dead limbs that trips a person up, a fire that burns across a grass field to burn out the grass so new growth can come in its place.

With these fire comes light that can shine out to others to help them find their way or give them a fresh start. There is also another fire I seen as a young man I worked in a steel foundry that inside the furnaces there had fires so hot it could either melt the steel and pr at the right temperature used to form the steel into object that was used for many different uses. But this type of change took a skilled hand to guide the hot steel billets into something that could be used.

I can remember walking through a dark night in a woods with very little light from the moon and looking ahead and seeing a fire burning in the distance. Using that light in the distance to help me find where I was headed. A very small candle can be seen from a great ways off and when you stop and think about it so many people  needs a light that can help them find their way home in the dark times.

The fire inside you

The fire inside you could be like a candle in a window which dates back to colonial times and older which could mean. In that period, the appearance of a lit candle in the window often signified that a building or home was open and welcoming to those traveling through, or that there would be shelter and food available.

Also a candle in the window for some was placed there when a loved one was on a journey and when they would return was not known. Such a small light that can mean so much. The light inside of you can be a great help to other who are in great need and sometimes they don’t even realize it. Also the fire inside of you can be like a small candle in the window or can be a light in the distance to help someone find their way.

When you look on the other side of the fire inside that flame can be a great blaze that kills and destroys. I’ve seen great fire before that has destroyed acres of land and burnt down everything in its path. Almost every year we hear of wild fires that go on for days or even weeks or longer before anything can be done to stop them and once they’ve destroyed the damage can be so severe to make it hard to restore anyone or anything.

I pray that I’ve never had one of those fires inside of me that the light is not to help others but to show ones self this type of fire is no good to any one or anything. Every year we trim our trees and cut tall grasses and weeds that we throw into a fire to get rid of the growth that pulls away the nutrients that takes life out of the trees and yard around us. 

I think mostly of the fire that gives light and is so soothing to sit by as we relax in the evening. This past year was a busy year so we never had a lot of opportunities to sit by the fire but I do hope in 2024 we can enjoy more fires like this. Also as go out we need to be a flamer a light that can sooth others and help them to find the peace that we find Jesus.

Hebrews 12:28-29Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 for our God is a consuming fire.

For our God is a consuming fire that can free, sooth and give peace. I hope some day if you have not already found the peace of Jesus that you do I also hope you can sit by a soothing campfire that can comfort you and let you relax at the end of your day. May God bless you and comfort you.

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