Heritage Oaks Full Gospel Church The Jewels That are Precious to Me

I wrote about how I had help while I was sick and in the hospital from all the nurses and doctors in a previous blog. I would like to talk about the ones that I depended on also while I was sick. These I call my precious Jewels. First let me say if it wasn’t for God I don’t know what I would do he is first and for most in my life. But there are so many others that was there for me. Pam my loving wife of 42 years was there day in and day out each time I was sick she was there. Then there is Jeremiah our son and Stephanie our daughter-in-law these two was there every time that I went in to the hospital they were there for me and Pam and there was times that I was not so nice but I wan’t myself that no matter how I acted toward them they stayed by our side.

Then there is Connor and Camryn who when you see them they are saying, “I’m praying for you grandpa and grandpa I love you.” How could this not make you feel better? Then there is all the ones in the church our congregation when I would call them and tell them I was sick they would tell me to go get well and that I need to take care of myself. Then there are all the one that I never knew was there for me but when they heard I was sick they would pray for me. These are all precious jewels that bless me so much. Why do I call them jewels? I call them jewels because they are so much more value to me than gold. I could be the riches man in the world but I would be nothing without these that I just mentioned. But if you stop and think I am one of the riches men in the world because all the support I get from people all over our area.

1 Corinthians 13:1: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

All these that I have mentioned exemplify this verse this is this is why they are so precious. And there are others that are precious my neighbor who mowed my lawn for me and never asked anything in return. The ones who took care of the church yard and both done such a wonderful job. The woman who made a lap quilt for us and the beautiful job that she done just out of love. How could I not feel anything but blessed? All the ones that I mention showed that charity to Pam and I.

1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

All these people friends family neighbors have been such a blessing. We call it friendship but the scripture above calls it fellowship and I am such a blessed man with everyone that has been there to pray for me and to help with things that need to get done. I remember a time that Stephanie my daughter-in-law her and Jeremiah followed us to the hospital and I was not myself and I talked rough with her I made her cry and I have never talked to her like that before but like I said I had a stroke and was not myself. But I think that proved how much she loved me cause she still like a daughter to me. See times like that is when these jewels shine through. And at times I wonder maybe God sends angels in the form of friends family to lift us up and to help us recover faster.

I pray that God blesses you and helps you by sending family and friends to you.

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