Heritage Oaks Full Gospel Church The Well

A while back I wrote a blog where I mentioned a well. I said I would touch on that well later and I would like to take time to do it now.

John 4:6 Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. 7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

Most the time growing up, the houses we lived in had wells with hand pumps outside. I don’t know if you have ever drank from this type of well or not, but it is some of the coldest water you can get — at least in in my opinion. These kind of wells were all over even though almost everyone around us had running water.

Imaging a hot day: you’ve been working in the yard or playing and it’s just so hot. Then, you could walk up to the well and start pumping the handle. We would let it run for a few seconds then cup our hand over the spout and make like a stream for drinking. Sometimes we would have a cup hanging on the well for drinking also.

Most of these well were done by hand or hand driven. Back then, well inspections weren’t really commonplace. Often, an old house would get torn down but they would leave the well in place. Anyone walking by could still use that well to get refreshed.

The Importance of Wells

These wells were very important part of our lives: we carried water in for washing dishes and for cooking. We also had a big round washtub for taking baths in. You could say that life itself was revolved around these well because there was so much that depended on these wells.

I can just see Jesus sitting by Jacob’s well and hot and tired. Then, this woman from Samaria with her pitcher arrived on her shoulder. I can picture Him saying “Give me to drink.” But, little did the woman from Samaria know that the supplier of living water was there right in front of her!

Guess what!

He is still here today, giving us that water of life freely. We get refreshed and cleansed by Him. Jesus is the one that your life should revolve around.


I remember times that Sherman (my brother) and I would be riding our bicycles from Belle Center to Four Acre. And right there where Jumbo is located was a well that we would stop at and get a drink of water from to get refreshed. In our journey through life Jesus is always there to renew and refresh us on our travels. That well was always a spot that we looked forward to getting to because, well, for one thing we could get cooled off and for another we knew we were about half way there. I remember how we used to play around the well at our home: we would throw water on each other and slip and slide in the mud we made. It was a time for kids to just be kids!

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

If you let Jesus into your life then you can have that same refreshing water as everyone else who does. He is the life giving life renewing water that our lives depend on. His well never runs dry to all and as many as will come to him.

I remember mom would holler out the door, “You kids wash your feet off before you come inside!” We would all gather around the well and start pumping the handle and each would take turns washing the muck off our feet. It felt cold and so fresh to do so.

Today, if you need a refreshing God is here to give you new life. They tell me the human body is about 50 to 70 percent water. This means that we need water in our life everyday. If you get dehydrated you can get sick: the need for water is that important to our bodies!

Likewise, the need for Jesus and the life giving water that He supplies is more important in our every day life. The Samaritan woman would later run into the town and say, “Come see a man who told me all about me!”

Today, I say, “Come meet a man who knows all about you and his name is Jesus!”

May God Bless you and renew you daily.


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