2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The past couple years I have been up and down with my back and different ailments. Of course, this is no excuse. I know not to let gas sit over the winter in my small lawn mowers and my generator. And I know if I buy a used mower to go all through it to cut down problems.

But last year I did not follow my own advice to much. I let the generator sit all summer with not starting it. I let the mowers sit all winter without checking the gas. And guess what? Yep the generator would not start and the one mower was giving me fits. So what do you do? Well, the one mower I had to change some things and finally took the carburetor off to clean it and now she runs. And the generator the petcock for the fuel is so messed up it wont clean out so a new one is ordered and she will be running again. That is interesting why do we call machines she? Maybe another blog. But Im not done preparing for the summer. All the mowers need the blades sharpened, they need an oil change and one need a new tire. Then I’ll be ready for the summer cutting of the grass.

How does this relate to a Christian’s walk?

Did you read 2 Timothy it right at the beginning of the blog? We’re supposed to study the word so God can see we are willing to work for him. You don’t have to prove to me or anyone else that you are ready to do the work of the Lord. This you only have to prove to God. That brings to mind another scripture that is one of my favorites.

Proverbs 9:9-10 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

From what I am getting from both these scripture is that the more you learn for God, the better you will be able to serve him and others. Yes, others! When we are prepared and ready God will send us to others to be a light to them. Maybe the person God sends you to needs lifted up. Or they are going through something you have already been through and you can tell them how God was there for you. We read in God’s word that we are a family we are of one body. So one thing I know to do it everything I do is to benefit my body. It’s the same with us we are to benefit the body of the Lord.

I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that I had not done what I was supposed to do to be prepared for summer. Sometimes a persons walk with God doesn’t get attended to like it should. You are busy, so your prayer life drops off. You get out of the habit of setting time to read God’s Word. You don’t mean to but some times it might happen to you. Well, I am here to try to encourage you to keep up the good fight. If we catch ourselves doing this we need to get back to praying. We need to get back to reading and meditate on the Lord. Make it a habit like eating or breathing. The more you do the more you will miss time with God when you don’t set time to be with him.

I’m no where near done with the work on my mowers and generator. I’ll test the generator out a couple times this year. I’ll sharpen the blades a couple times on the mowers. Then each time I start the motors up I’ll checking the gas, oil and tires. That is just like your walk with God. It’s a daily work, prayer, reading, studying. This is how we stand when times get hard. I really messed up on my motors this year. But it was me who had to do the work to get them back where they needed to be. So they would work like they were meant to be. If you messed up on your study time, prayer time. Then it will be you who has to do the work to get back like you need to be.

It seems as time passes it gets harder for me to work on my mowers like I need to. So it takes more time every year. But I am determined not to let them go like I did last year. We need that same determination in our walk for Jesus.

May God Bless you as you keep the work done on your walk with him.

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