Proverbs 23:25 Thy father and thy mother shall be glad,
And she that bare thee shall rejoice.
26 My son, give me thine heart,
And let thine eyes observe my ways.

I know it has been quite a since I wrote a new blog but I felt that I would like to share this with you. I was thinking the other day when I came across some pictures that I remember the feeling some of them brought to me.

Is it alright for a grown man to have a soft heart?

I would tell you yes. After many years of several family members that have passed and it touches my heart knowing that in this life I will never see them again. But, I have the memories of brothers and sisters growing up together and playing in the fields around the house dad being up to his shenanigans and moms cooking and how she took care of us.

The picture in my mind that I still see of picking corn up in the fields after the combined have gone though breaking beans up to get ready to can them for winter. My brothers and sisters and I sitting on the hood of a car when we were growing up. The joy of getting married and our son being born. when our son married our daughter in-law  (who is like our daughter to us) and when our grandchildren were born.

But there were other pictures that stood out in my mind

Standing in front of Pappy Boyington’s fighter plane with my arms around my grandson and granddaughter and the tears in my eyes. Standing in front of the Iwo Jima memorial in Washington DC when my wife and son and I went there on vacation, the racing in my heart as I stood there and read the battles around the memorial. But these were a different affect on my heart that was brought on by family being with me and the thought of sacrifices that was made for us by men and women that I had never met before. 

I’ve been told that a persons heart is a hard thing to figure out

But I beg to differ with you In my view a persons heart has many aspects that can shape it you can be born with a soft heart that gives you the desire or love for your fellow man.

You can be raised hard and rough from a young age that gives you a rougher aspect of life. But even with that, no matter how much you are hurt or treated rough you can see those around you hurting and you decide to be determined that you won’t let it effect you.

Or the time that you knelt at the altar and you gave your heart to God and you felt your heart soften and the whole world seems to change. I was raised hard and watched as I grew and made my mind up that I would not blame or let my surroundings or others determine who I am. A persons surroundings can give them an excuse of how they turned out but the one who determines the outcome is the person themselves 

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

There are times that you may get down hearted maybe you’re one of those who had a rough life and it has effected the way you look on others or even the way you look on yourself. You could just be one of those who need encouraged with a kind word or no one has told you that you are strong enough to stand hard times.

Maybe I’m one of the fortunate ones  that can look on life with a brighter outlook.

I know that, if you never read the Bible or asked God into your heart, then this is something you should think about. If you’ve never prayed then you should even pray about it. Gods love and wisdom passes all understanding.

We weren’t bad people before we got saved but we would still have missed out on so much the ability to look at the world with a brighter outlook to see miracles that had always been in front of my eyes and see the existence of God through the wonders he has created.

Do I live in a perfect world, no I don’t but do I live in a world where God blesses, yes I do. And I feel the love that God has given and shown me and others is another way my heart has been touched. I hope this has touch you to think about how fortunate you are to be saved and if you are not saved then help you find your way to Jesus.

May God bless you and keep you all





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