Isaiah 30:21 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

This blog actually has two messages in it. Have you ever wondered why you have not heard God speak? I know I have given much thought to the subject and it seems that one of the questions I end up asking myself is do I listen? Am I listening to what God has to say or am I just saying, “I’m here, talk to me?” This year I have determined in my heart and mind that I am taking the time to listen and to hear what God has to say. When we first opened the church I could not say that I heard God say, “Go open this church and be the pastor.” But the day that I was told about the church I was going to work praying, “Lord, open more doors or if it be your will give me a church and I’ll pastor it for you.” That evening I ran into a friend who was a trustee of the church and let me know that it was open. I went to check on the church and that evening we started making arrangements to get it. By the way, it was given to us and it did not cost us anything except repairs. But there is more to the story than that and I will expound on it at another time. So in this instance I felt that God was in us getting the church but I couldn’t say I heard his voice at that time. Now let’ s go to the present time.

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”

It seems like since the beginning of the year that God has been urging me to let people know that God has a blessing for his children to receive. And part of that blessing is hearing His voice and to be blessed even when times seem bad. I have been preaching this since the beginning of the year but this is not only for the people of our church, Heritage Oaks, it is also for the people of God in His churches all over that truly follow the teachings of His Word. As we read in Jeremiah, the Word says to, “Call to God and he will answer and will tell you great and hidden things.” Now, it may seem strange to you for me to be telling you that God has a blessing for you, especially with all that has been happening this year. But let me point out to you some of the things that need to change in us. Don’t let the circumstances of this world and what goes on around you keep you down. Keep faith in God, knowing that no matter what anyone else does or says to you, God is still in control. Give Him thanks even for the simple things. Go to bed and no matter how bad the day was, thank God for bringing you through. In the morning, thank Him for getting you up for another day and even thank Him for whatever your meals are even if it’s just toast and coffee or tea. Slow down and listen to what God has for you. We live in a McDonalds type of world where we want it yesterday and super-sized. Just be grateful for the day. 

Now what about these blessings? Do you get up in the morning expecting a blessing? Try this when you wake up. Thank Him for the blessing that is heading your way. And then be ready to receive it. It might be as simple as your child telling you how much they love you or your boss saying how good of a job you’ve done. Slow down and look around you. It might be a simple little blessing or something even bigger. This has been a tough year so far for me. I fell on the ice and messed my back up. Later on, I went to the hospital with chest pains. My family just lost our oldest sister as well. Through it all, in spite of everything that might seem bad, God has turned it around and given me a blessing even in the loss of my sister. We had one last chance to go see her and Pam asked her, “are things right with you and God?” and she said yes. That in itself was a blessing to me to have my sister profess she was ready to meet our Lord. 

Psalm 85:8 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly.

So I started this blog with the title of “Waiting to hear from God” and I’ve talked to you about expecting blessing. And I will say it again for the Lord’s people. Start expecting blessings from God. By expecting blessing from God it has taught me to listen closer and to hear God as He speaks to me. Through the sickness, the aches, and the loss, I can say I have truly been able to hear God speak to me. He has spoken to me through His Word and even to my heart by telling me to be at ease or at peace and that everything will be all right. Yes, this has been a year of turmoil and problems but I thank God for teaching me to stop and listen to what He has to say. I will leave you with one last scripture,

Isaiah 40:31 but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Take time to wait on the Lord. Enjoy the blessings we see everyday. Slow down and listen for His voice. His voice comes in many different ways. Recently, I heard His voice give me peace through our grandson and granddaughter. Below is what they sent to me,

Connor said, “I’m so sorry for your loss grandpa.”

Camryn said, “hey so sorry to hear that Julie passed away I am sorry for your loss I hope you feel better sometime soon we know how hard it is to lose someone you love.”

Sometimes, like in 1 King 19, Elijah did not hear God’s voice in the  strong wind, the earthquake, or the fire but in the still, small voice. Sometimes, we need to just relax and listen to hear God’s voice. I pray this blog has helped you in some way. I do feel that this is the year for God’s people to receive a blessing and that blessing can be in many different forms. 


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