We Callled Him Fred

I wrote this blog as the events were happning. I hope you enjoy following along with my journey.

Turned out this last bout of sickness had a slight unplanned effect. This started at the start of September and I thought it was getting better. But as it turned out about 4 weeks into the sickness I had a heart attack. Then I had two unknown “episodes” a week later. As the test were run there appeared a growth on my brain that actually looked as if it had a face on it so I started calling it Fred.

About 12 p.m on a Wednesday night while in the hospital the infectious disease doctor from Lima Memorial stopped in to talk with us. He asked since I was a pastor if I had been out of the country. I told him no I had not. Turns out, he thought I might had been a parasite in my brain. This made him take a second look. He decided it might be a clot, a calcified deposit, or even a tumor. So he let me take a picture of it and it looked like a turtle with a smiley face on it..

So I officially named the thing Fred

Now the next day Fred started giving the doctors a hard time. It was decided to send me and Fred to Riverside in Columbus. It took until late in the evening to get a room at Riverside. Once I got settled into my first room, at 5am they switched us to an ICU room that was capable of dealing with my condition. So this morning there many different doctors and assistants in and out of my room. I have been poked and checked

But in the mean time what about Fred. That question has yet to be answered.

More MRIs

My Nerological Surgeon stopped in and said that he thought that there was something more goig on. So he thought another MRI was needed and that possibly on Tuesday they will do a biopsy.

He believed that Fred was a tumor and in the motor cortex. So it was decided to do another set of MRI’s to get a better look at the growth. It was also decided that Tuesday was the day that the biopsy would be done and then if more was needed that possibly the entire mass would be removed.

I kept wanting to get up and move so Pam would take me for walks and help me with everything that I needed to do. But there were others praying for me and going before the Lord on my behalf.

Then today on Monday therapy came and asked me to take a walk with them. As we were out for a walking, my neurosurgeon walked up to me and had a big smile on his face. He said that they wanted to postpone the surgery. He had met with other doctors and thought it would be better to wait and see if it was only a brain bleed. If so, then it would shrink.

What about Fred?

The doctors are still questioning what Fred really is but they seem to think that it’s more of a bleed instead of a tumor. So now they want me to wait another month and to wait and see. There is one problem: the stint that was placed in my heart cant be medicated till the bleed is under control. So, prayers are very much needed.

Right now we will not know what Fred is for a while so I am trusting in God. I’m also thankful for the prayers of my friends and family.

Continue to pray for me, that we will trust God who watch out for all our needs.


  1. Praying Fred just goes away, and you get to feel better. God knows how important your work is. Prayers sent for you Pam and the whole Wright clan

  2. God is so good! You have gone through some rough times but God has always been right there for you! Your work here on earth is not finished yet! We love you and Pam… she has been your angel on earth… beside you all the way! I pray God heals you completely in the name of Jesus!

  3. Love you Hebert I just wish fred would find another place to hide. Prayers he leaves and never comes back

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